In the car into Melbourne town the driver looked at me and said “Yeh gonna bey coald mite!”. As soon as I figured out what he meant I just answered “Listen buddy, I’m from Sweden, you know nothing of cold, ok!”. (Actually I didn’t say that, but it would have been cool if I did) Melbourne is a busy place with lots of construction and positive vibes. There is also an abundance of young “backpacker”-looking people. Plenty of blonde white chicks with dreadlocks, dragging a kid in each hand, all wearing knitted clothing. And it is no wonder since there seems to be an arts museum and a ballet school on every block and every ethnicity is represented. Found some really cool street art too. A culturally rich town it seems. But what the fuck do I know, I was there for a few hours only. I’m becoming somewhat of an expert on instant tourism.
When returning we met the chief officer on the ramp. He looked anything but pleased. My watch began with me checking every lashing on the loaded 400 cars because the stevedores had suddenly forgotten how to lash properly. Whoopdidoo. But it is very therapeutic work and a good opportunity to come up with some clever smartassiness.
The Candy Bar of the Day is none other than Turkish Delight as seen in the picture. I bought it in a quickymart in Chinatown, Melbourne, along with a bottle of green ice tea. How Turkish it actually was remains unknown. It certainly wasn’t delightful. It is some sort of chocolate covered red sticky marmalade tasting somewhat similar to hairspray. I was drawn to it since “delight” is another one of those words that sounds so great in the aussie accent. Duh-loyt! Come on, everyone, say it with me! The ice tea tasted like very uncared for high school swimming pool.