lördag 27 juni 2009

The blackout

We’ve lost the internets. Of course the new chief engineer needs to get creative on his first turn, and of course he’s going to have ideas about surprise fire drills and planned blackouts! I can imagine how it all came to be. “Let’s pull the main switch and see what fucken’ happens, yeah!”, he says to himself after a few beers, smile wider than the face, face redder than the fire alarm button. He can barely sit down now, he wants to jump, jump, JUMP with joy! 
Unfortunately, to do stuff like this is exactly what they are paying him to do. We now know that the main panel for satellite tracking runs on UPS, Uninterrupted Power Supply, but the antenna itself does not. A very important lesson since this communication channel is more and more crucial to both safety and business. A “blackout” is when the ship loses all electric power from the auxiliary generator or the main shaft generator. All crucial stuff onboard, like bridge control, are connected to UPSs and should never go down. There is also an emergency generator that starts up automatically when the power goes out to run other very important stuff. Since the system is very complicated it has to be tested and the only way to really know is to try and make it as real as possible. But now the satellite dish is broken. Which is, on the other hand, not so good.

Obviously we have now gotten our internets back, how else would I be writing this on..eh.. its?

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